You Better Learn Your Rules. If You Don't, You'll be Eaten in Your Sleep.
“I could never do that,” as is so frequently said, “It’s far too dangerous!” I know divers who have promised their parents or partners to...
When the Shit Goes Down...
Late last night I was thinking pretty seriously about what a lazy, useless, hippie asshole I am. Especially as compared to some of my...
C is for Cookie (and Catastrophically lost)
"How do you remember all that?" People ask this of complex cave navigation when we talk about dives that have 5 or 6 or 7 or 8...
Too Many Nuggets. Of Gold or of Something Else, Though.............
How many dive courses have you regretted taking? How many did you pay for, do the homework, get excited about, wrestle yourself into a...
Harness Your Problems
The first time I heard of sidemount was around 2004-2005. I was working on my initial cave diver credentials and listened, with great...
Education vs. Indoctrination
Every instructor has their own way of doing things. Sometimes it is dictated by a shop. Or an agency. Or a mentor. Sometimes they’ve...